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Hero Definition Essay Free Essays

How would you know when you’ve seen a legend before your eyes? No doubt, all things considered, they won’t be wearing a cape o...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Rizal Reaction Paper Essays

Rizal Reaction Paper Essays Rizal Reaction Paper Paper Rizal Reaction Paper Paper From June 17, 1892 to July 31, 1896, Dapitan became the bare witness to one of the most fruitful periods in Rizals life. His stay in the province was more than he was living in exile. It was the period when Rizal had been more focused on serving the people and the society through his civic works, medical practices, land development, promotion of education and of course, coming accross with his one true love, Josephine Bracken. The part of Rizals life where he came to know Josephine is the most romantic. Their love story was an example of unconditional love because despite of the fact that there were no priest who was willing to marry the them, the couple exchanged their vows before God in their own way. Their love bear its fruit Josephine was pregnant. Unfortunately, Josephine gave birth to a one-month premature baby boy who lived only for three hours. The child was buried in Dapitan, bearing the name Francisco, after Rizals father. I got mad with Jose Rizal in the event of Josephines premature birth of the supposedly son of a hero. How come Rizal who was a doctor was so unmindful of Josephines condition that night when his anger bursted after Marias accusation of Josephine being a spy? Not only physically but mentally and emotionally, Josephine who was then pregnant was tortured of Rizals misbehavior which caused her to collapse and ultimately lose the baby in her womb. I can imagine how Rizals life would be more colorful and interesting if he had a son who lived and continued his good doings. It is really disappointing that losing that baby ends Rizals direct lineage. If he was not a hero, he would have been long forgotten because his direct ancestry ended when he was killed. However, I believe without a doubt that he really deserves to be our national hero in every mans point of view. People in Dapitan looked up to him, adored and respected him. The young ones had the passion to follow him, learn what he has to teach and follow what he has to instruct. He established a school in Dapitan which was attended by 16 young boys from prominent families. Instead of charging them for the matriculation, he made the students do community projects for him like maintaining his garden and field. He taught them reading, writing in English and Spanish, geography, history, mathematics, industrial work, nature study, morals and gymnastics. He encouraged his students to engage in sports activities to strengthen their bodies as well. There was no formal room, like the typical classroom nowadays. Classes were conducted from 2 p. m to 4 p. m. with the teacher sitting on a hammock while the students sat on a long bamboo bench but still the students spirits were so solid to learning. Rizal also definitely wins my admiration for his being a doctor in that primitive era with limited tools and medicines. He really was good. As a physician, Rizal provided free medicine to his patients, most of them were underprivileged. However, he also had wealthy patients who paid him well enough for his excellent surgical skill. Among them were Don Ignacio Tumarong who gave Rizal 3000 pesos for restoring his sight, an Englishman who gave him 500 pesos, and Aklanon haciendero, Don Francisco Azcarraga, who paid him a cargo of sugar. His skill was put into test in August 1893 when his mother, Dona Teodora Alonzo, was placed under opthalmic surgery for the third time. The operation was a success, however, Alonzo, ignored her sons instructions and removed the bandages in her eyes which lead to irritation and infection. When Dr. Pio Valenzuela came to Dapitan, I thought we would be of a great support to Rizals undertakings and missions but it was disheartening to later on realize that his visit would just endager Pepe. Prior to the outbreak of the revolution, the Katipunan leader, Andres Bonifacio, seek the advise of Jose Rizal. In a secret meeting on May 2, 1896 at Bitukang Manok river in Pasig, the group agreed to send Dr. Pio Valenzuela as a representative to Dapitan who will inform Rizal of their plan to launch a revolution against the Spaniards. On board the steamer Venus, Valenzuala left Manila on June 15, 1892 and in 6 days, arrived at Dapitan with a blind companion, Raymundo Mata. At night, Rizal and Valenzuela had a talk in the formers garden. There, Valenzuela told him of the Katipunans plan. Regarding this, Rizal outspokenly objected Bonifacios premature idea for two reasons: 1. the Filipinos were still unready for such bloody revolution; and 2. he Katipunan lacked machinery before plotting a revolution, there must be sufficient arms and funds collected. Valenzuela also told Rizal of their plan to rescue him in Dapitan. Again, the exiled hero disagreed because he had no plan of breaking his word of honor to the Spanish authorities. This reality was presented to the court but was ignored. But prior to keeping Rizal in captive by the government, was his sad farewell to Dapitan. At midnight of July 31, 1896, he left Dapitan on board the steamer Espana, ogether with Narcisa, Josephine, Angelica (Narcisas daughter), three nephews and six of his students. Many were saddened as the adopted son of Dapitan left. In Cebu, on their way to Manila, Rizal successfully performed an opthalmic operation to a merchant who paid him fifty silver pesos. After almost a week, on August 6, 1896, Espana arrived in Manila. Rizal was supposedly to board the Isla de Luzon for Spain, but unfortunately, left ahead of time. Instead, he was transferred to the Spanish cruiser Castilla to stay and wait for the next mail boat that woul sail for Spain next month. He was prohibited from leaving the vicinity but was allowed to accept visitors so long as they were his immediate family. Of course, all these delays were part of the drama Rizal has now fallen to the critical/deadly Spanish trap. Before Rizals final moment in Bagumbayan were court proceedings. On one of these moments where he spoke of Education and NOT rebellion as his weapon to liberating the country and the people from the Spanish tyranny, and as far I know, Rizal had perfectly became triumphant in his objective especially these days where Filipinos are known worldwide of being well educated.

Friday, November 22, 2019

10 cosas que debes saber sobre formularios del USCIS

10 cosas que debes saber sobre formularios del USCIS Para ser exitoso en peticiones o solicitudes al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a   (USCIS) es fundamental llenar correctamente el formulario que corresponda, segà ºn el caso. Para ello, este artà ­culo brinda importante informacià ³n en 10 puntos bsicos sobre quà © se debe hacer, quà © consejos seguir para evitar problemas graves y cà ³mo hacer un seguimiento de los trmites una vez que se envà ­a el formulario.   10 cosas que debes saber sobre los formularios del USCIS 1. Las planillas del USCIS son gratuitas y se pueden obtener directamente en la pgina oficial. Hay decenas de formularios y se debe elegir la correcta, segà ºn el tipo de informacià ³n, peticià ³n o solicitud que se quiere hacer.   En ese enlace anterior se accede a todos los formularios. Para descargarlos es necesario tener adobe reader, el programa que permite abrir archivos pdf. Tambià ©n se pueden buscar por su nombre, que est siempre conformado por una letra o unas letras (AR, EOIR, G, I, N) seguido por un guià ³n y a continuacià ³n un nà ºmero. Dependiendo del formulario en ocasiones es posible realizar el trmite online, por ejemplo, para notificar el cambio de domicilio es posible descargar el formulario AR-11 en forma de archivo pdf o tambià ©n cumplir con esa obligacià ³n directamente por internet. Lo que es importe es no enviar doblemente la misma peticià ³n, una por cada medio. 2. Enviar siempre la à ºltima edicià ³n de la planilla. Frecuentemente el USCIS modifica los formularios cambiando alguna pregunta o requisito. Es muy importante fijarse en la fecha que pone expires (expiracià ³n) en la parte superior derecha del formulario.   El mejor consejo es siempre obtener el formulario justo el dà ­a en que se va a completar y asà ­ evitar enviar uno que ha quedado viejo y, por consiguiente, el USCIS no lo va a aceptar. 3. Las planillas deben llenarse en tinta negra. Adems, deben estar firmadas a mano por el solicitante de la informacià ³n, solicitud o peticià ³n. A este à ºltimo punto existen dos excepciones. En primer lugar cuando se trata de un menor de 14 aà ±os, en cuyo caso debe firmar uno de los padres o guardin legal. En segundo lugar, en el caso de personas declaradas judicialmente como incapacitadas, en cuyo caso debe firmar en su nombre su guardin legal. 4. Es muy importante leer las instrucciones de cà ³mo llenar la planilla ya que allà ­ explican informacià ³n relevante como quà © documentos deben acompaà ±arse al envà ­o el formulario. En este punto hay que tener en cuenta que se envà ­an siempre fotocopias legibles, excepto en los casos en los que expresamente se pide que se envà ­e un documento original. El USCIS puede en cualquier momento solicitar ver dicho documento. Tener en cuenta que si se envà ­a un original, como por ejemplo un pasaporte, el USCIS no lo regresa automticamente y habrà ­a que pedirle el retorno oficialmente con su debido formulario. Adems, si cualquier documento adicional que es necesario adjuntar est en un idioma que no es inglà ©s, debe traducirse a ese idioma e incluirse una carta que certifique la traduccià ³n. 5. Mentir expresamente o mediante un omisià ³n es un formulario migratorio es una violacià ³n migratoria y podrà ­a dar lugar a problemas graves. Antes de caer en la tentacià ³n de mentir, consultar con un abogado reputado y entender bien las consecuencias. 6. La tramitacià ³n de casi todos los formularios del USCIS cuestan dinero, aunque hay algunos que son gratuitos. Adems, es posible solicitar la exencià ³n del pago segà ºn el tipo de formulario y teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias del solicitante. Es importante verificar esta informacià ³n porque podrà ­a dar lugar a importantes ahorros. Por otro lado, tener en cuenta que no tener dinero no es causa razonable para no enviar un documento al USCIS cuando hay obligacià ³n de hacerlo dentro de un plazo. Por ejemplo, si un novio de ciudadana ingresa a Estados Unidos con una visa K-1, se casan antes de 90 dà ­as pero a continuacià ³n no se solicita la green card por ajuste de estatus porque no se tiene dinero para la cuota, ahà ­ hay un problema muy gordo. 7. Cualquier persona puede llenar el formulario del USCIS por sà ­ misma. Lo importante es que entienda todo lo que pide el formulario y las condiciones. No es aconsejable dejarse llevar por el consejo de amigos o familiares o proceder a llenar la planilla cuando no se comprende todo el trmite que se inicia. Por otro lado, si se cuenta con un abogado o un representante acreditado, debe cumplimentarse la planilla G-28. Es importante elegir un buen abogado, honesto, con conocimientos y que està © pendiente de las fechas de los casos y de envà ­o de documentos. Conviene desconfiar de todas las personas que ofrecen milagros o que aseguran conocer a una persona dentro del sistema que resuelve problemas a cambio de dinero. Eso, adems de ser un delito, es un fraude. 8. Completar solo la parte del formulario que aplica. Algunos documentos sirven para situaciones variadas. Es fundamental que cada uno responda y complete sà ³lo la parte que le corresponde. Por ejemplo, el I-131Application for Travel document, sirve como permiso de reentrada a los Estados Unidos para residentes permanentes, como documento de viaje para refugiados y como advance parole para extranjeros que en el momento de solicitarlo se encuentran fà ­sicamente en Estados Unidos.   Por otro lado, otro problema de confusià ³n puede surgir porque no se elige la variedad correcta de planilla segà ºn la peticià ³n que se quiere hacer. Por ejemplo, el I-129 tiene cuatro modalidades, el I-129, el I-129CW, I-129F e I-129S y sirve para propà ³sitos tan dispares como pedir a un trabajador extranjero o solicitar una visa para el prometido de un ciudadano americano. Es importante no solo elegir el formulario correcto sino tambià ©n completar sà ³lo las categorà ­as que aplican al beneficio que se pide. Y dentro de à ©stas, si alguna respuesta es ninguno contestar NONE y si es No Aplica, por ejemplo en el caso de pedir nombre de cà ³nyuges anteriores cuando se trata de una persona que no los ha tenido, escribir N/A. 9. A la hora de enviar el formulario junto con la documentacià ³n de apoyo y el pago de la cuota al lugar que se indica en las instrucciones se da la opcià ³n de un envà ­o por correo ordinario o por servicio de mensajerà ­a. Cualquiera de los dos es vlido pero, en general, da mayor confianza este à ºltimo servicio por deja constancia de la fecha de entrega. Sin embargo, no es necesario ni obligatorio. 10. Es posible hacer un seguimiento de dà ³nde estn los papeles y cà ³mo va la tramitacià ³n a travà ©s de diferentes medios, desde por internet a llamadas por telà ©fono al Servicio al Cliente del USCIS una vez que se tiene el cà ³digo que identifica al caso. A tener en cuenta En una situacià ³n como la actual es importante que los migrantes en situacià ³n de indocumentados no se presenten voluntariamente en ninguna oficina migratoria ni para recabar informacià ³n ni como acompaà ±antes. Si han sido citados es recomendable presentarse con un abogado. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Retail Marketing (Marks & Spencer) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Retail Marketing (Marks & Spencer) - Case Study Example The group's merchandise includes clothes, household goods and food sales, with their clothing line contributing half the revenues. It has also diversified into financial services that include accounts cards, pensions, loans, and life assurance and contributes about 5% of its total revenues. Marks and Spencer divides its operation as UK retail, International retail and financial services. The UK Retail division is its major chunk of the business and contributes the most to the turnover. It sells Women's wear, Men's wear, Lingerie, Children's wear, Beauty products, Household goods, and groceries. The International Retail business prevailed from Europe to North America to the Far East a well. The Financial services division offers personal insurance, personal loans and store cards. Until the late 1990's Marks & Spencer was largely successful and Marks & Spencer recorded highest profit growth in the years, 1997 and 1998. In 2000, Marks and Spencer launched lingerie outlets in Paris, Hamburg and Dusseldorf that met with considerable success. It is a leading seller of lingerie in the UK with a 20% market share. It introduced the "Per Una" clothing range designed by George Davies in 2001 that was received moderately well. However, strong competition from other retailers was a big problem for Marks and Spencer. Marks and Spencer had built its business by ensuring customers that the high quality of its products, warranted the higher price paid by the consumer. Its business model was to maintain UK sourcing for its products. Consequently when competitive retailers sourced from low cost Asian suppliers, Marks & Spencer found its core business model a great liability. Its margins would not let it keep up. Ultimately, when it had to be done, the strategy came a little too late. It also lost its appeal to the consumers. Product quality deteriorated and customer dissatisfaction caused it to lose a lot of its base. Its target segment was traditionally women aged 35 and above. However, statistically, the younger generation invest in fashions and styles than the target segment it was aiming at. Therefore Marks & Spencer also lost valuable potential target base in its marketing efforts. Its image as a mid priced company for the middle-aged segment drove these younger consumers to the rival high street retail fashion boutiques offering great discounts. The company did attempt measures like revamping the business model and opening the stores on Sundays, but the results were not good enough. Internal management issues It had serious internal issues and this instability led to low profit margins and loss of customer satisfaction. Sir Richard Greenbury who headed the company has often been blamed for the debacle. The style of management was supposed to be autocratic and feedback from the employees was not encouraged. The lack of input from the actual employees who were in touch with the consumers on a daily basis was a great disadvantage. There was no transparency in communication and therefore Marks & Spencer had no finger on the customer's pulse. It lost valuable information that should have driven its strategy. Managers had no decision making power and were unable to implement even small changes without top management approval. The top management had no perception of the external environments in which the stores operated and was

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reproductive System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reproductive System - Assignment Example Julia had been working as a computer engineer in an information technology firm and she described her job as â€Å"moderately successful†. She had never been pregnant in her life. Her menses had started at the age of 12 years and had been fairly normal regarding frequency, duration and bleeding. She had become sexually active at the age of 19 years and had variably used diaphragms, condoms and oral contraceptive pills for contraception. She weighed normal for her height, was a non smoker and occasionally consumed alcohol on social occasions. Apart from few episodes of urinary tract infection, last one 2 years back, her other medical and surgical history was remarkable. Ross was an architect and content in his professional and personal life. He had no significant medical, surgical or sexual history. He was physically very active and a non smoker. When they visited the infertility specialist, both of them were questioned regarding their medical and sexual history. They were educ ated regarding the physiology of reproduction and the possible causes of their infertility. Regarding the female reproductive system, description of the organs of reproduction in female and the steps of oogenesis and menstrual cycle was explained: Female reproductive system, oogenesis and menstrual cycle Organs involved in reproduction in a female are ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina internally and external genitalia and mammary glands externally. Ovaries are small glands located on the sides of uterus. Germ cells in the ovary are referred to as ooogonia. At nearly 8 weeks of gestation, oogonia become primary oocytes by entering prophase of first meiotic division andundergo further change only before ovulation. A layer of granulosa cells surround this oocyte to form a primordial follicle. Out of all of the follicles, one follicle becomes dominant 5-7 days after menses (Knobil & Neill 2006). Due to hormonal action, meiosis is resumed and expulsion of the egg and follicular fluid occurs. This expulsion is called ovulation. Uterus is the organ where implantation of a fertilised egg occurs. Fertilisation itself occurs in the fallopian tube which connects ovary to the uterus. Cyclic shedding of the internal lining of the uterus called endometrium occurs every 28-30 days in a process called menstruation. This cycle is regulated by a complex interaction of hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries (Look, Heggenhougen & Quah 2011). Menstrual cycle has two parts: follicular or proliferative phase; and luteal or secretory phase. Follicular recruitment is caused by FSH. Estrogen causes LH surge for ovulation. These steps take place during follicular phase which technically begins on the first day of menses and lasts for around 14 days (Carr & Wilson 1987). Figure 1. Female reproductive system (www.patients.co.uk 2012) Figure 2. Oogenesis and menstrual cycle (Carr & Wilson 1987) Corpus luteum remains after ovulation and is responsible for sec retory phase of the endometrium. If fertilisation does not take place, it degenerates after 10-14 days and this leads to shedding of the endometrial lining and bleeding (Knobil & Neill 2006). Thus, the couple were explained about oogenesis and menstrual cycle with the aid of above illustrations. Only when these hormonal and tissue changes occur in tandem, fertilisation can take place. Any hormonal or endocrine disorder such as that of hypothalamus, pit

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Award Phase - You Decide Essay Example for Free

The Award Phase You Decide Essay Unfortunately the catering business did not generate the expected profits therefore you are in the process of dissolving the business. You have no use for the high quality cooking equipment that was leased for the catering business. You assume the chefs will continue in the cooking business and can use the equipment. It would be all right with you if they took over the lease. You understand there is no charge to remove your names from the lease agreement. However, you think the best all around solution is to terminate the lease for the kitchen equipment. You also do not think that the chefs deserve the capital because they caused the business to fail. You need to recoup as much as your investment as possible to open an alternative venture. You recently began to look at the possibility of opening a flower shop, although you have not yet done extensive planning for it. To do so you need capital. How will we split the $15,000 left in the investment? To be fair to our partners we will use the same capital distribution that was used at the beginning of the investment, Chris and Pat Smith, put $25,000 and the chefs put $10,000 up to total $35,000 for 100% of the shares. Each share is worth $350, therefore we own 55. 5% of the company while the chefs own $45. 5%. We are down to $15,000 in working capital, which has to be split amongst the partnership. If we split this capital according to the ownership percentage, we should receive $8,325 and the chefs should receive $6,675. We do not think the chefs deserve this share because they caused the business to fail due to elaborate high-cost dishes being sold at a low-price. Also we will need capital for our new flower shop venture; therefore we will give the chef’s $3,000 and keep the remaining $12,000. As negotiation leverage we will use the kitchen equipment lease agreement options. We cannot use the kitchen equipment in our flower shop, but it could be useful for the chefs to continue business. How to handle the lease on the kitchen space, which has 18 months more to run? We will need a rent space for our flower shop, and the store front of the catering business is large enough for us. The chef’s will want to keep the space because of the kitchen that is attached and the established business and customers who are familiar with the location. Therefore we should offer them to amend the lease in their name only and they should pay the $500 cost for this amendment. This would be the best solution due to the dissolve of the business relationship and difference in management styles. How to handle the lease on the van, which has 18 months more to run? We can use the van leased for our flower shop deliveries therefore we will keep the van. We will remove the chefs names from the lease for the van and offer them that we will pay the $500 for the amendment cost. To eliminate termination fees and to also redefine responsibility correctly for the van, this is the best option for our exit strategy. How to handle the lease on the kitchen equipment, which as six months more to run? All in all, you think it is better to leave the lease alone and just promise the chefs that you pay it rather than pay the fee for changing the names on the lease, terminating it, or paying the fee to assign it to them. You are concerned that if they took over the lease and then later could not make payments, you would still be responsible. We cannot use the kitchen equipment in our new flower business, so this makes a good negotiation point for us. Since the chefs will continue in the cooking business we will offer them to amend the lease in their name only in return of getting more capital for our new business. They can keep the kitchen equipment lease in their name if they agree to be paid $3,000 from the capital. This would be the best solution due to the dissolve of the business relationship and the chef’s getting the kitchen space. In conclusion for our exit strategy meeting with the chefs we will dissolve the business $15,000 in capital distribution; $12,000 will go to the entrepreneurs and $ 3,000 to the chefs. In regards to the well known store front, the chefs will take over the lease and pay $500 to amend the names. The van will go to the entrepreneurs and they will take over lease and pay $500 to amend the names. On the equipment the chefs will have immediate use for it and will take over the lease in conjunction with the kitchen space. We feel this is the most fair and best breakdown of the investment for both parties to move forward successfully.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Poes The Masque (Mask) of the Red Death :: Mask Masque Red Death Essays

The Masque of Red Death People don't really have that much in common, but they do have one big thing in common, that is death. Death is the one thing that no one can stop. The short story "The Masque of Red Death," by Edger Allen Poe shows how that statement is true. Poe was a man who had had many experiences with a disease that killed many people in his life, in his story "The Masque of Red Death," he uses a lot of symbolic messages to express his views and feelings on that disease. Edger Allan Poe stated out with a home life that wasn't very stable. His blood father left when Poe was about one. His mother was an actress that moved Poe's sister, brother , and himself around a lot. Then when he was three she died of tuberculoses. After his mothers death Poe was separated from his sister and brother. Poe was sent to the Allen family. Then when Poe was in his early twenties Mrs. Allen also died of tuberculoses. At the age of twenty-six Poe married his cousin Virginia. She later died of tuberculoses. His brother died of tuberculoses also. In "The Masque of Red Death," Poe uses color as a symbol. He used the colors red, blue, purple, green, orange, white, violet, and black. In the story red stand for the death that comes over everyone in the story. In Poe's life it stands for the diseases that has killed everyone important to him, tuberculoses. Blue is the color of the first room, in Poe's life it is supposed to be him. The second room in the story is the color purple, this color is for Poe's mother. Then there is a green room, this room is for his brother. There was also an orange room for Poe's foster mother, Mrs. Allan. The white room was for his wife Virginia, and the violet room for her death. Last there was the black room, which was for Poe's death. What is time? Is time something that people just made up ? Poe seems to think that it means life. In the story a clock symbolizes life. In the story every time the clock would time the hour the party would stop,

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Government debt Essay

When hearing the word â€Å"debt† many individuals may cringe to the sound of the word. The United States debt has increased tremendously in the past few years with a record 10.7 trillion in 2008. The debt continues to grow year after year making taxpayers poorer and foreign holders of the United States bonds richer. The more increase on expenditures and less GDP the United States generates will cause interest rates to go up to pay for bonds exchanges. Future generations will not be able to carry on the burden of debt because lack of knowledge and not enough time to decrease it. The Introduction of Debt Burden Debt Burden can be a stressful issue nowadays. When one think about debt burden one will simply think of it as money owed to a person, company, or country. The Economic definition is the cost of servicing debt. Debt burden affects consumers and countries. The consumer debt can come from house mortgages, interest rates, credit cards, loans, and bad investments. A country debt burden is the cost of servicing the public debt. A country debt burden may be caused by Social Security or state retirement programs and can cause imports to be more expensive, higher taxes, and cost 25% of The United States debt to be held abroad making The United States liable for external interest transfers (â€Å"Economics Help Helping To Simplify Economics,† 2013). Also countries can be in debt with one another. Government Debt and Individual Debt The government has suffered years of long-term debt because of budget deficits and the rising of the federal debt in relation to the GDP. Four factors contribute to government debt. One factor is contributed by the economic choice of spending. The growth in the government’s debt is not driven by assistance from foreign countries, funding, or defense as politicians suggest, but by its choice of entitlement spending. The unrestricted spending has declined as a share of the GDP over the years, whereas entitlement spending has increased. Second, consolidation is sought by decreasing government spending, and economic restructuring worldwide effectively has reduced debt-to-GDP ratio. An example is compared to the United States where there is little emphasis on spending restraint. Third, the choice of increasing revenue by increasing the taxes on the wealthy have only a minimal affect on the economy. The income tax is not organized well enough to gain much revenue. Finally, the United States can maintain the economy’s safety net, which without breaking the financial bank by changing its notion on entitlements. This can be done by reducing social security’s unfunded liabilities and gradually increasing the age, which benefits are collected, and slow the benefit growth for those Americans who better off. Individual (consumer) debt is debt used to fund spending rather than savings. This includes debts that incur based on purchasing goods, which are not consumable, or those that cannot appreciate. The most common source of consumer debt is credit cards, payday loans, and other consumer finance with high interest rates. There are also consumer debts known as long- term, which is considered useful investments, such as homes or automobiles (consumer goods), which are usually not considered a consumer debt, for example, a television set. America’s Debt to Income Ratio as Compared with Other Countries Every time a conversation flare up there is always a conversation about how bad the United States economy. This appears to be a false statement about the economy because the citizen of America is still living above their mean. American always has been the scapegoat when the economy is looking bad. American Citizen acted surprise when the statistics came out for the comparison of the United States against the other nations. The international Monetary Fund is very accuracy because of the market research done by the financial analysis. The International Monetary Fund is used to measure the 10 wealthiest nations in the world (in terms of GDP). The United States came in first and Japan was second, followed by Germany, China, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, and Brazil. Usually the nation that produce the more GDP is the nation that spend more to make up this GDP. The same goes to individual, the more they make, the more they spend out in the economy. There are many factors to consider for a nation debit, which include the sum of the citizen’s outstanding consumer debit and any other financial factors and also included loans, trade deficits, and budget deficits. United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Span, Ireland, Japan, and Switzerland are the 10 top debtor in the nation, this came from the CIA World Fact book. Interest Rates and Debt Burden The United States debt burden has become so large that their interest costs on an annual basis have outgrown their Gross National Product (GNP). Their debt problem at some point will be a problem for the American people, either through cuts in social and government programs or higher tax burdens for the younger generation. The majority of interest is paid to treasury notes and bond, foreign domestic notes and bonds, state and local government securities, and savings bonds. Continuing to increase the debt without taking in matching revenue will have an enormous impact on their debt burden, recession recovery, and economic growth. Projections for the Deflict The projection for the deficit by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is expected to fall to $845 billion this year. In the last five years, this is the first reading that fell under $1 trillion. The CBO estimates that the deficit for 2014 falls to $616 billion and $430 billion in 2015. The CBO also assumes that unemployment rates for 2013 would be 8%, and are expected to decrease by .4% in 2014. The estimation by the CBO for the GDP growth is 1.4% in 2013, which is assumed to accelerate to 3.4% by 2014. . Reference America’s Debt to Income Ratio as Compared with Other Countrieshttp://www.creditloan.com/blog/americans-debt-to-income-ratio-as- compared-with-other-countries Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics (8th ed.). Retrieved from https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/TOC.aspx?assetdataid=84a83693-c978-4618-8727-3b6fb4d93aaa&assetmetaid=95e16f89-76ec-4d53-a7da-699aabdb7cfa Economics Help Helping To Simplify Economics. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.economicshelp.org/dictionary/d/debt-burden-ratios.html Eleven O’clock Associates, LLC . (2013). Retrieved from http://current-economic-conditions- effect-savings-and-investment-plans-global-inflation-or-deflation Ro, S. (2013, February 5). Business Insider. Retrieved from http://www.businessinsider.com/cbo-budget-and-economic-outlook-2013-2 Still on the Cliff. (2013). Retrieved from http://corp.bankofamerica.com/business/bi/perspective/resource?p_a_id=668579&g_id=10157&cm_mmc=GCB-Integrated-_-Google-PS-_-government%20debt-_-May%202013%20-%20Still%20on%20a%20Cliff%20-%20Gov.%20Spending%20-%20Phrase

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Differences between Iroquois and Pueblo Indians Essay

Mercantilism: Economic practice common in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century. British and other imperial power’s policy to regulate the economy of their colonies. The policy prohibited the colonies to trade with other nations, monopolizing markets and banning the export of gold and silver. Mercantilism demanded that a nation must export more than it imports. Mercantilism was a cause of many wars and also the expansion of colonization. William Penn: English real state entrepreneur, philosopher and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania. Penn was born on October 14th, 1644 and died in July 30th 1718. As a Quaker, he was a supporter of religious freedom and democracy. As a result of his different religious views in England, he was expelled from the church. In 1677, he became one of the founding fathers of the city of Philadelphia helping in its planning and development. Quakers (Society of Friends): the Quakers lived in the mid 17th century in England. Many who did not want to follow the Christian Church because they had different spiritual and religious beliefs formed the group. They believed in their â€Å"inner light†, which they believed to come directly from God. In order to follow their beliefs comfortably Quakers immigrated to America in the 1680’s. There they established in Rhode Island and Pennsylvania which tolerated Quakers. Metacom: also called Metacomet, King Philip, or Philip of Pokanoket, was an intertribal leader of the Wampanoag and Narraganset. He was born in 1639 and died on the 12th august, 1676. He assumed the position of leader of the clan after his father Massasoit died and his older brother the following year. He became the leader of the Wampanoag in King Philip’s War against English colonists in New England. Glorious Revolution: also called the Revolution of 1688, resulted in the overthrow of James II and the assent of his daughter Mary II and her Dutch husband, William III of Orange. After the accession of James II in 1685, his acceptance to Roman Catholicism alienated the majority of the population. This led William III to successfully invade England with a Dutch fleet and army, which led him to the English throne. The revolution lastingly ended any chance of Catholicism becoming re-established in England. History of American People to 1877 Mr. Huggard Iroquois and Pueblo Indian Similarities and Differences in the Colonization Era The Pueblo Indians were the descendants of ancient villagers who had been settled in present day Arizona. After developing their settlements for over three thousand years a decline of these communities occurred probably because of drought. The survivors moved to the south and east and in these areas they progressed as they developed their communities and perfected their techniques of desert farming, irrigation systems to provide water for corn, beans, and cotton. They received the name of Pueblo Indians by the Spanish because when they arrived, these groups of Native Americans lived in small villages, or pueblos. The Pueblo Indians of the southwest were the first to be confronted by Europeans and their long lasting invasion. However, around 1680, the Pueblo Indians revolted against the Spanish and they expelled them for about 12 years. Five main peoples, the Choctaw, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, and Onondaga formed the Iroquois. These five groups consolidated the Great League of Peace, which was created to bring stability to the area. The Iroquois were constantly moving geographically, they were known as being strong in battle and that is why they were one of the few Native Indians who survived the colonial invasion. Beginning in 1609, the Iroquois’ were forced to engage in war against the French, their Huron allies and other tribes. These wars were mainly the consequence of the battle of controlling the fur trade and land. Pueblo Indian peoples were farmers in tradition, but as each of the Pueblo villages were in different demographic areas, the crops that were harvested  were different. These crops were mostly corn, beans, and squash and these were stored for two or three years depending on the seasons. The Pueblo people hunted deer and antelope in the mountains and in other villages that were closer to the plains they hunted bison. In all Pueblo Indian societies, rabbit was an abundant source of proteins. The Iroquois on the other hand, had some similarities and differences from the Pueblo Indians in the farming and hunting practices. Iroquois people were farmers, fishers, hunters but their main source of food was through farming. Just like the Pueblo Indians, the Iroquois’ most cultivated crops were corn, beans and squash and they were also stored for later consumption. Concerning hunting, the differences are more notable. The Iroquois hunted mostly deer but they also sought beavers and mus krats in the winter. As they were located close to the river, they also had improved their ability to catch various types of fish. The Pueblo Indian society was matrilineal in most cases, but differed in some, where in a few villages patrilineal clans existed, and males owned houses and land. Women did most of the farming, while men were in charge of the hunting. However, as hunting importance was reduced men also started to have a role in agriculture. Iroquois and Pueblo Indians’ role of women in their society, was similar in which they were both matrilineal, that they had the task to cultivate the land, and raise the children. However, in Iroquois society, women had more power, where they could choose to divorce their husband and order him to live the home with his belongings. Women also had the right to keep the children if a couple separated. The Iroquois established the Great Law of Deganawida, which gave equality to both sexes. In their society the women were the ones who elected the chief of their village and were also the ones who could remove him from his position. The Iroquois had their main prophet, Deganawida, who they thought brought peace to the people. Their beliefs about creation were that in a supernatural way, spirits were integrated into the natural world. Their myth said that a girl in the spirit world who became pregnant without having intercourse had a vision that she had to uproot a tree so she would be able to see the underworld. As she does that, she falls to the natural world. As a result of their belief that the spiritual world was up in the heavens, the  Iroquois first let their dead to be eaten by birds but after they begin to cremate the corpses so that their souls would go up to the pure, spirit world. In the other hand, according to the Pueblo Indians creation myth, they were guided by their God and climbed up through a hole in the earth into the sunlight. These people suffered many tragedies and misfortunes until God guided them to fertile land where they could finally settle down. Pueblo people made ceremonies that took place in underground chamber, where they would practice rituals to cure diseases or to ask their God for good weather. They were also devoted to nature; they had rituals where they request nature for fertility and successful hunts and seasons. Just like the Iroquois they both had the myth that God had sent his twin sons to the natural world to create a balance with dualism. The Iroquois people were one of the latest natives to have had encounters with the Europeans. This gave them way to develop more stable communities successfully. Since the arrival of the Europeans to the Americas, the Iroquois had developed a trading system which helped them acquire goods which were totally new to them. For example: knives and other hunting objects which made them more efficient. They had advanced armory and tools compared to other tribes but when it came to fighting with the Europeans, their chances were slim. The French had cutting-edge weaponry like armor made of metal, firearms, while the Iroquois had wooden armor and fought with bows and arrow, and other more traditional weapons. Even though they were known to have been strong in battle, when they had to confront the Europeans and their other Indian tribes, there was another aspect which made their battle even harder, diseases. Europeans had already been fighting against diseases such as smallpox, influenza and others, for which they had developed an immunity to them and also had ways to cure them. When they finally had contact with each other, these diseases started to spread with the killing bacteria. On the other hand, the Iroquois, who had no knowledge of these diseases nor an immune system that could fight them, encountered themselves with an epidemic die-off of their people. The confrontations with the Europeans changed their ways of life because they had to find other ways to have stable communities. The Pueblo Indians, who had been in contact with the Spanish for a much longer period of time, were part of a society in which the Europeans had strong influence. The Spanish had subjugated the natives and forced them to adopt Christianity as their religion. The power of the Spanish was very recognizable when they started to imprison and torture Pueblo Indians if they did not follow their rules. Nevertheless, the Spanish introduced farming and hunting techniques which helped the Indian communities grow and develop more rapidly. For three generations, native were oppressed until a leader named Pope organized a revolt against the Spanish. This rebellion was called the Pueblo Revolt. When it happened thousands of Indians joined forces and battled and forced the Spanish out of their territory, which they accomplished. After the expulsion of the Europeans, they restored their religious institutions, beliefs and more importantly established independence of their villages and pueblos. While Iroquois and Pueblo Indian natives had many different views politically, religiously, socially and economically, they were both societies in which nature was devoted and revered. They lived of the land and this connected them to the Earth and its seasons greatly. They were spiritual people who believed that spirits had an important part in their lives and that they lived among them and saw their actions. As a consequence of these views, they intuitively knew how to differentiate the good from the bad, since they were being watched. They had no desire of economic power and their societies were mostly based on peace and equality, which differentiates significantly from the Europeans who were greedy and immoral. When they encountered with the Europeans their ways of life were altered forever and introduced a new era in which Christianity had a big influence and with it other more capitalistic aspects.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Boat people essays

Boat people essays A group of Afghan boat have tried to come to Australia but they werent accepted to Australia and were transferred to Nauru from the navy ship HMAS Manoora. Hundreds of locals turned up at Naurus main port to watch the group ferried to land on Australian Navy landing craft. As Women performed dances, each asylum seeker was handed a small bunch of flowers. They were then put in to six dusty school buses for the five-kilometre ride to a temporary camp built by Australian troops in Naurus barren interior. As they approached the dock, some of the group held up a banner saying Thanks from honourable government of Naurus for giving protection and shelters for Afghan refugees. The Afghans were taken to Nauru on board the HMAS Manoora after the Australian Government turned them away in a hardline stand against people smugglers who each year ship thousands of refugees to Australia. All of the asylum seekers were wearing Western-style clothes and carrying black plastic bags. They were from a group of 433 rescued from a sinking ferry last month by the crew of Norwegian cargo ship. The Tampa. As the navy completes the process of unloading the entire group in coming days 150women and children will be flown from Nauru to New Zealand for processing. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees spokeswoman Marissa Bandharangshi said at this stage it is only concerned with the applications of the asylum seekers transferred from the Tampa to the Manoora. The remaining 230 asylum seekers picked up in Australian waters by Manoora on September 7th. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What Is an Alternative High School Is It Right for You

What Is an Alternative High School Is It Right for You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Will you be attending an alternative high school or are you wondering if it’s the right choice for you or your child?For some students, alternative high schools fit their personality and learning style much better than traditional high schools, and they can be a way for these students to achieve success. What are alternative high schools? How are they different from traditional high schools? Is attending one the right choice for you? How can you find the right alternative high school? Read on for answers to each of these questions and more. What Are Alternative High Schools? An alternative high school is simply a school that doesn’t provide a completely traditional learning experience.This is a very broad definition, and, because of that, alternative high schools can vary widely. They can be public or private and can include magnet, charter, and online schools (although not every school in these categories would be considered an alternative high school). Some alternative schools are offered throughthe student’s regular school district, while others, such as magnet, charter, or private schools, operate independently of the public school system. Classes at online schools are conducted primarily or completely over the internet.There is no official â€Å"alternative school† designation or requirements a school must meet in order to be considered alternative. An alternative high school will usually include the word â€Å"alternative† in its name or mention it in its mission statement or website homepage. Alternative schools were first created to help â€Å"troubled† students who had behavioral problems that traditional publicschools were ill-equipped to handle. However, today students attend alternative schools for a variety of reasons which are discussed in more detail below.In general, alternative high schools exist to give students who do not do well in a traditional academic environment an opportunity to succeed in high school and earn a high school diploma. How Are Alternative Schools Different From Regular High Schools? As mentioned above, there can be large variations between alternative high schools.Some alternative high schools don’t give out grades, some allow students to develop their own graduation requirements, some include a significant work component, some take place during non-traditional hours, and more. Common features of manyalternative high schools include: Smaller Class Sizes:Smaller classes allow teachers to give students more individual attention and make it easier to tailor lessons to specific student needs. More Flexible Schedules and Graduation Requirements:Some alternative high schools offer classes at night, which can be helpful for students with jobs or children. Others have flexible graduation requirements and give students more choice in the classes they must take (as opposed to one math class, one science class, one English class, etc. each semester). This can give students the opportunity to study a subject of particular interest to them. Wider Variety of Teaching Methods:Alternative high schools often use numerous teaching methods that emphasize creativity and interaction. This can help students who struggle with sitting in a classroom and taking notes all day. Non-Traditional Evaluation Methods:Some alternative schools don’t give out grades, instead they provide written evaluations. Others offer academic credit for work experiences or internships. Address Social, Mental, and Emotional Needs of the Student: In addition to addressing academic needs, alternative schools often have additional resources, such as counseling and support groups, available for students. You can also research specific alternative schools to get a better idea of what they can offer. For example, City-As-Schoolin New York City, has no grades, exams, or class years. Students complete projects and papers which are added to their portfolio, and they spend about half of each week at an internship instead of in the classroom. It's also easy to find student testimonials of alternative schools online. One former student of an alternative high school credits the school with saving her life.You can read these to get a better idea of the typesof students alternative schools have helped and how they overcame their difficulties. Even if you never wanted to show up to class at your old school, an alternative high school may have teaching methods that work for you. Why Do Students Attend Alternative High Schools? There are multiple reasons why someone may begin attending an alternative high school, but they usually relate to the student not thriving in a traditional school. Specific reasons include: Trouble Learning in a Traditional Classroom One of the main reasons students attend alternative schools is because they don’t learn well in a traditional school. They may have learning disabilities that make it challenging for them to sit in a classroom all day, they may struggle to retain information learned this way, or their classes may interest them so little that they have no desire to attend school or complete homework. Alternative schools specialize in using varied and creative ways to teach the material, and their teaching methods are often much more tailored to each student’s learning preferences. Need More Support/Guidance Some students also need more guidance than traditional schools can provide. This can be academic support or emotional support/counseling. They can benefit from the smaller classes of alternative schools as well as the increased access to counselors and support groups. Many alternative schools also often have regular meetings with a student’s teachers, parents, and counselors to make sure the student is on track, which can also be beneficial for many students. Bored or Not Challenged at Their Current School Alternative high school may also be an option if you don’t feel challenged or interested at a traditional school. This may be the case if you don’t find yourself caring about your classes, struggle with sitting at a desk all day, find the coursework too easy, or want to focus your studies on a subject your school doesn’t offer. Alternative schools often use a wider variety of teaching methods, including hands-on, interactive, and self-directed work, which can benefit you. Social or Behavioral Difficulties A student might also have issues with classmates or teachers. This can include being bullied, struggling to make friends, befriending the wrong crowd, or coming into conflict with teachers and students. A student’s social network is a huge part of their high school experience, and if they don’t feel included or welcomed at their school, or don’t contribute to an inclusive and welcoming environment, it can be very difficult for them to do well. Attending a new school with new classmates as well asteachers and counselors who can better meet their needs can have a significant improvement on their high school performance. Difficult Life Circumstances Additionally, some students have experiences that make attending traditional high school challenging. These can include pregnancy, serious illness, family problems, and more. Circumstances like these can make it difficult for a student to concentrate on classes, and they may need more individual support and flexible scheduling. Is an Alternative High School the Right Choice for You? So, should you attend an alternative high school? The answer varies depending on the person, but, in general, if you are very unhappy or performing poorly at your current high school, some major changes need to happen for you to get on track to graduate high school and set yourself up for success in the future. Transferring to an alternative school that useslearning styles that suit you better than your current school can help youdo well and even begin to enjoy high school if you didn't before. The new school, teachers, and classmates can help give you a fresh start with high school. However, some students prefer to stay in their current high school and aren’t receptive to the idea of attending a new, â€Å"different† high school.Making a student transfer to a new school when they are against it can make them even less likely to succeed in school, so, if they are extremely opposed to the idea of transferring schools, and it is possible for them to stay at their current school, you could try letting them remain â€Å"on probation† at their current school. If they make required changes that are laid out beforehand (improving grades, meeting attendance requirements, disassociating with a badcrowd, etc.) they can be allowed to remain at that school, but, if they do not, they will have to transfer to an alternative school. If you do decide that attending an alternative high school is the right choice, or even if you just want more information on what your options are, read the next section on how to select the best alternative high school for you. Choosing whether to attend an alternative high school can take a lot of thought in order to make the right decision. How to Choose the Right Alternative High School Selecting the right alternative school is an important undertaking; you have to make sure you choose a school that fits with your personality and learning style. Attending an alternative school that isn’t a good fit won’t help you do any better in high school than you were doing before. Choosing which school to attend requires more work than simply finding the alternative school that’s closest to you. Follow these three steps to make an informed choice and give yourself the best chance of success in high school. Step 1: Identify the Issues With Your Current School Before you do anything else, you should figure out exactly why your current school is not working for you.Make a list of all the reasons you are switching schools. Was it due to problems with classmates? Boredom with traditional education? A need for more guidance and support? Really think about all the reasons you aren’t happy with your current school. The more complete and specific your list the better your chances of finding the best alternative school for you are. If you're unsure of whether or not you want to change schools, this is also a good time to see if you can solve these problems while remaining at your current school. You may be able to make changes to your class schedule, join a program that includes more non-traditional learning, or a different option. If you'd like the option of staying at your current school, set up a meeting with your guidance counselor and possibly some of your teachers. They'll be able to go over all your options with you so you can make the best decision. Step 2: Make a List of the Qualities Your New School ShouldHave Next, use the list you made in the previous step to come up with a new list of things your new alternative high school should have for you to do well there.Research different alternative schools online to get a better understanding of what alternative schools can offer. Perhaps you want an alternative school with smaller class sizes, non-traditional teaching methods, the opportunity to earn academic credit through a job/internship, or other qualities.You should use your list from step one to develop this second list. For example, if one of the reasons you were unhappy with your current school is because you get bored sitting at a desk all day, your second list should mention that you’d like an alternative school that offers more hands-on work. Step 3: Research Nearby Schools Now that you know what you’re looking for, start looking at potential alternative schools you can attend.Most students will be limited to schools that are close to them because they will still be living at home, but if that isn’t a requirement for you, you can look at alternative schools in a wider area that offer boarding options. You should also take cost into consideration. Some alternative high schools are free or low-cost while others can have large price tags attached. There are often ways to reduce costs through grants or scholarships. If you find an alternative school you’re interested in but is out of your price range, talk to someone at the school’s office. They should be able to give you advice on financial aid options. Once you find a school you’re interested in, research it thoroughly before applying for enrollment. Talk to teachers and staff, research the school and its goals, and see if you can speak with past or current students to get their opinion.Many alternative schools offer potential students the chance to attend classes for a day or a few days to get a feel for the school and see if it will be a good fit for them. Definitely take advantage of this if it’s an option because it’s a great way to decide if the school is really the right one for you. Once you’ve decided on a school, contact the office to learnhow you can enroll or apply for enrollment. Not all alternative schools can accept everyone who wants to attend, especially smaller schools, so be aware that it’s not guaranteed that you’ll get in. Talk to staff and teachers to get a better idea of what you need to do to get enrolled at the school. Once you've foundyour ideal alternative high school, you can begin the enrollment process! How Do Colleges View Alternative High Schools? Will attending an alternative high school hurt your chances of getting into college? Will it make colleges think you’re a â€Å"bad† kid who will have a negative impact on their school? In short, no. Colleges understand that there are many reasons why a student may attend an alternative school, and there are multiple areas on your application for you to put your alternative school experience in a positive light. If you don’t have any behavioral issues (like suspensions or expulsions) on your transcript and your attendance record is good, that is a huge benefit for you when you apply to college. You can use your personal statement to discuss why you attended an alternative school, how it helped you, and how it has prepared you for the future.Even if your grades from your first few years of high school aren’t great, showing significant improvement and being able to clearly discuss how you’ve overcome difficulties will put your alternative education in a positive light and show colleges that you’re able to overcome challenges and still be successful. If you do have a record of behavioral issues and/or truancy, convincing colleges that you should attend their school will be a bit more difficult, but you should still follow the above steps. In your personal statement (some schools also have an area on their application where you can provide them with additional information on yourself), mention that you had problems before, then clearly and specifically discuss how you’ve worked to overcome them and the progress you’ve made since then. Obviously, this is much easier to do when you've made a lot of progress, so keep staying on track in order to make the best impression. If you’re worried that colleges will think that your non-traditional learning environment hasn’t prepared you enough for college, taking the SAT or ACT and receiving strong scores will help show them that you have the knowledge necessaryto do well in college. Summary Alternative high schools can be a great, and even life-changing, option for students who haven’t thrived in traditional high schools.A wide variety of alternative high schools exist, but, in general, they use more non-traditional methods of teaching and are able to be more flexible in accommodating student needs than traditional high schools. Some alternative high schools use grades, some allow students to work part-time for class credit, some allow students to develop their own class schedule, and more.Students attend alternative high schools for a variety of reasons, but, in general, it’s because they are unhappy at, not challenged by, or uninterested in a traditional high school environment.If you decide to attend an alternative high school, be sure to research potential schools thoroughly to find one that fits you well. What's Next? Have you decided to attend an alternative school and will now be transferring schools? Our complete guide to transferring high schools will walk you through each step of the process and help you make sure you've completed each requirementyou need to! Considering online high school? They're becoming increasingly popular, but it's important to be well-informed before you make the decision to attend school online. Check out our guide to online high schools to learn if they're the right option for you. Studying for the SAT or ACT?We have great guides to help you study for the SAT and ACT and get your best score! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Culture - Essay Example In an Islamic society that is fundamentally reserved, it is odd to predict that such things as â€Å"Pastel carrying cases for condoms† would have a good market value. People of UAE are generally global agnostics. This essentially means that their tendency to buy a product is not influenced by the product’s global attributes. UAE is one country where the Western decadence is considered infectious. People of UAE derive their learning from the teachings of Islam. They may not be good practicing Muslims, though Islam still remains as the standard. They distinguish between right and wrong according to the teachings of Islam. Thus, the indigenous people of UAE derive learning from Islam. As the traditional environment is fundamentally Islamic, so the people of UAE tend to stick to it rather than adjusting with the fast pace new world. Additionally, their inherent richness of both cultural and monetary leaves them in no complex to run after the global standards. UAE governmen t has more than sufficient funds to provide the indigenous people with a rich and elite standard of living. People have much more money withy them than what they would need to purchase things of their want. Because of the abundance of money, people are not as thirsty for things as people from other cultures normally are. The indigenous people believe more in collectivism than individualism. UAE society is generally extroverted. People make a lot of friends and spend most of the time with family and friends. Increased social interaction causes people to share similar standards. This promotes collectivism in their approach. The lowest Hofstede Dimension for the Arab World is the Individualism... People of UAE derive their learning from the teachings of Islam. They may not be good practicing Muslims, though Islam still remains the standard. They distinguish between right and wrong according to the teachings of Islam. Thus, the indigenous people of UAE derive learning from Islam. As the traditional environment is fundamentally Islamic, so the people of UAE tend to stick to it rather than adjusting with the fast pace new world. Additionally, their inherent richness of both cultural and monetary leaves them in no complex to run after the global standards. UAE government has more than sufficient funds to provide the indigenous people with a rich and elite standard of living. People have much more money to them than what they would need to purchase things of their want. Because of the abundance of money, people are not as thirsty for things as people from other cultures normally are. The indigenous people believe more in collectivism than individualism. UAE society is generally extroverted. People make a lot of friends and spend most of the time with family and friends. The increased social interaction causes people to share similar standards. This promotes collectivism in their approach. Governmental rules are strictly observed because there are severe penalties for violating them. The etiquettes of business recognized internationally like dress code are generally violated. The indigenous men of UAE would wear their traditional white cloak, named Kundra or dishdasha in the workplace instead of the suit (Grapeshisha).